016 -200 Snippets of Text Expansion and Auto-Completion

The following are 200 snippets prepared by me , while studying a judgement of Supreme Court of INdia, relating to denomination Indian Currency Notes, made in 2016 November.

In 2023, the Supreme Court came out with a judgement, upholding the 2016 Demonetization , with 4:1 majority.

Leaving aside the foremost issue of examining the circumstances which have led to sufferings of millions of people, the judgement seems to have ignored "people's sufferings" as if demonetisation was necessary to save the country.

In Telugu language, my mother tongue, there is a proverb : "inTlO elukalu unnAyani, okaDu illu tagala peTTukunnADuta".

Approximate English gist, to the best of my ability:
A person, having come to know that there are rats in the house, so as to get rid of them, set his home on fire. Most rats escaped through holes in the house, and rat-holes in the ground. The fire spread over the entire village, razing down almost all the houses.

Many petitions were combined resulting in a "generalised umberilla type judgement", which did not give the needed due importance to "issues of human rights". Tax evaders are like rats. To catch them, house cannot be set on fire. Mr. Chidambaram, former Finance Minister, one of the petitioners / or counsel for one of the Petitioners, seems to have raised more "technical issues", instead of dealing with "suffering of millions" and the "human rights". The judges seem to have spent pages to examine the pleadings of Shri Chidambaram.

I shall write more on this, after completing my study of the judgement.


wpcldu=which can lead to boredom 
wpcxldu=which can not lead to 
wpcldudegm=which can lead to disengagement 
ldudegm=lead to disengagement 
ndxldudegm=need not lead to disengagement 
zdxldudegm=should not lead to disengagement 
ougxuldu=ought not to lead to 
ougxuldudegm=ought not to lead to disengagement 
ngvoucmz=negative outcomes 
pstvoucmz=positive outcomes 
wiorcn=with our children 
wiorowcn=with our own children  
owcn=own children 
witrowcn=with their own children 
urmnc0m=to remain calm 
urmn0=to remain 
c0mac4pod=calm and composed 
c4podmn=composed many 
c4podm7=composed many 
hsc4pour=his composure 
hrc4pour=her composure 
trc4pour=their composure 
qsc4pour=its composure 
c4poe=compose a 
c4poa=compose and 
mkgor6lzuc0ryoutprpota9=making of rules to carry out the purpose of the Act  
tprpo=the purpose of  
c0rou=carry out  
mkgo=making of 
spfcya6tzz=specifically authorises    
uwptpvsnzo=to which the provisions of 
wpcfrztgnlr6lmkgpw=which confers the general rule making power  
cfrztgnlr6lmkgpw=confers the general rule making power  
cfrztgnl=confers the general 
tgnlr6lmkgpw=the general rule making power  
gnlr6lmkgpw=general rule making power  
r6lmkgpw=rule making power  
mkgpw=making power  
cfrzt=confers the 
qdlgtzutadmgauhy=it delegates to the administering authority  
admgauhy=administering authority 
tpwuf5amr6lz=the power to frame rules  
tpwuf5amr6lzarglnz=the power to frame rules arglnz 
arglnz=and regulations  
uf5am=to frame 
tpwuf5am=the power to frame 
usbsvt=to subserve the  
sbsvt=subserve the 
objaprpotA9=object and purpose of the Act  
objaprp=object and purpose 
c3auaot=clause (a) of the 
c3aubot=clause (b) of the 
c3aucot=clause (c) of the 
c3audot=clause (d) of the 
c3aueot=clause (e) of the 
scndsbscn=second sub-Section 
fisbscn=first sub-Section 
jmry0ilsvot=is merely illustrative of the  
ilsvot=illustrative of the  
jmrly=is merely 
pwgvnurt=power given under the 
pw0o=power of 
tpw0o=the power of 
tpw0zo=the powers of 
tpwzo=the powers of 
tpwzot=the powers of the 
gvnurtfisbscn=given under the first sub-Section 
tfsbscn=therefore , sub-Section 
qexcsztsme=it exercises the same 
tsmedlgdauhy=the same delegated authority 
amkzohr6lz=and makes other rules   

I expect these snippets to work like text expanders.
I have tested these in GEANY a versatile IDE and Text Editor.
I have made about 415000 lines of these snippets during the last some years, as I was busy attending on my 95 year old father who passed away in Jan. 2022.  I am myself 72 now.
These snippets are to be pasted in "snippets.conf" file of Geany.  IN Ubuntu-linux, this snippets.conf file is usually a hidden file, in /home/(userid)/.config/geany folder.  These 200 snippets can be copied from ere with Control C and pasted in the snippets.conf file with Control V.  Pasting can be done anywhere in the file i.e. at the beginning,  or at the end, or anywhere else.
Geany is available for Windows OS also.  Pasting is to be done, by searching for the snippets.conf file, probably in C:\programfiles\geany or something similar.  I am poor in Windows, relatively when compared to Linux.  I believe that these snippets work in Windows also.  These items can be tried in MS Word also by pasting in the appropriate file.


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